New Mexico Parents Together Education Fellowship

We Are Parents Together

Engaged Parents Are Game Changers

The Parents Together Fellowship is a 7-week program designed to increase the number of New Mexico parents and families engaged in the conversation about public education in our state. Fellows will be immersed in a series of high-quality learning experiences – including hearing from and engaging with local education leaders.

During the Parents Together Fellowship, parents will learn about the challenges and opportunities facing our public education system and develop the skills necessary to become stronger advocates for their children and communities.


New Mexico’s Public Education System

Learn how our state's public education system works and who is making the decisions.


How Are New Mexico’s Teachers and Schools Helping Your Child Learn?

Learn about the key issues facing our state's students and educators.


Your Story Can Improve Public Education

Learn how to use your own story and experiences to motivate change.


Help Your Child Succeed in School

Learn how to better advocate for your child's success and for the success of all New Mexico students.

Fellowship Sessions

  • Overview of NM Public Education

    Learn the key issues facing our students and educators: how New Mexico’s public education system works, who are the decision-makers, our student outcome data, per-pupil spending, “Opportunity Gaps”, how we compare to other states, etc. Learn if our current system is built around what’s best for students and families or not.

  • Parent Power: Organizing

    Participants will understand how organizing improves the effectiveness of advocacy. They will hear examples that demonstrate that mobilizing and organizing can change outcomes in our K-12 system.

  • Telling Your Story

    Learn the understand the importance of your personal story and how your experience can motivate change.

  • Improving Public School Quality

    Learn what a quality school looks like and does, as well as the components of quality education so you know what to demand of schools, districts, legislators, and other key stakeholders.

    Fellows will learn the differences between schools and who is responsible for those differences.

  • Using Your Voice to Create Change

    Fellows discuss potential education issues about which they are most concerned and community organizing tools that could be leveraged to address those issues today.

  • Advocacy Planning

    Small groups will complete written advocacy plans to advocate for their issue.

  • Presentations + Commencement

    Cohort learns to transition from theoretical to practical advocacy and how to overcome obstacles to the execution of their plans.


The Parents Together Fellowship is open to parents, grandparents, and caregivers who seek to improve opportunity and student success for their children and for all children in New Mexico.

  • Cohort #4 begins Thursday, February 2, 2023.

  • Thursday evenings from 5:45 pm to 7:45 pm. Dinner is served at 5:30 pm. Programming begins at 5:45 pm.

  • The Fellowship will take place at the brand new Singing Arrow Community Center.

  • Dinner and snacks will be provided for you and your children.

  • The Fellowship is FREE and participants will receive a $350 stipend.

  • Free child care will be provided.

  • Spanish translation services will be available.

  • Open to parents, grandparents, and caregivers who seek to improve opportunity and student success for their children and for all children in NM.

  • If you know a parent who would benefit from this Fellowship, invite them to apply. If they are accepted and attend, you will receive a $50 Finder’s Fee.

Singing Arrow Community Center

100% Recommend


Who Should Apply?

This was an incredible experience! I highly recommend!
— Lorenzo

Applicants from New Mexico are encouraged to apply to the Parents Together Fellowship, although it will primarily focus on the Albuquerque metropolitan area. The Spring 2023 Parents Together class will include parents, grandparents, and caregivers with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Class size will be limited.

There is no cost to participate.

Applicants selected to participate in the Parents Together Fellowship will be notified by email and text. Applicants not selected will be considered for the next cohort.

Space is Limited

Your Commitment

The Spring 2023 Parents Together Fellowship will run from February 2, 2023, to March 16, 2023. The Fellowship commitment consists of the following:

  • Attendance at seven (7) Wednesday evening convenings (5:45 pm to 7:45 pm)

Apply for the Parents Together Fellowship

Please click on the button below to apply for the February 2023 cohort. You will be notified by email and text if you are selected.